在线社交网络(OSN)有助于访问各种数据,使研究人员能够分析用户的行为并开发用户行为分析模型。这些模型在很大程度上依赖于观察到的数据,这些数据通常由于参与不平等而产生偏差。这种不平等由三组在线用户组成:潜伏者 - 仅消耗内容的用户,招聘者 - 对内容创建的用户和贡献者很少贡献 - 负责创建大多数在线内容的用户。在解释人口水平的利益或情感的同时,未能考虑所有群体的贡献,可能会产生偏见的结果。为了减少贡献者引起的偏见,在这项工作中,我们专注于强调参与者在观察到的数据中的贡献,因为与潜伏者相比,它们更有可能贡献,与贡献者相比,它们的人口更大。这些用户行为分析的第一步是找到他们接触但没有互动的主题。为此,我们提出了一个新颖的框架,有助于识别这些用户并估算其主题曝光。暴露估计机制是通过合并来自类似贡献者的行为模式以及用户的人口统计学和个人资料信息来建模的。
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基于神经网络的嵌入一直是创建文本的向量表示以捕获词汇和语义相似性和差异的主流方法。通常,现有的编码方法将标点符号视为微不足道的信息;因此,通常将它们视为预定义的令牌/单词或在预处理阶段消除。但是,标点符号可能在句子的语义中发挥重要作用,例如“让我们吃\ hl {,}奶奶”和“让我们吃奶奶”。我们假设标点符号表示模型将影响下游任务的性能。因此,我们提出了一种模型 - 不足的方法,该方法同时结合了句法和上下文信息,以提高情感分类任务的性能。我们通过对公开可用数据集进行实验来证实我们的发现,并提供案例研究,我们的模型就句子中的标点符号生成了表示。
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Lung cancer is a severe menace to human health, due to which millions of people die because of late diagnoses of cancer; thus, it is vital to detect the disease as early as possible. The Computerized chest analysis Tomography of scan is assumed to be one of the efficient solutions for detecting and classifying lung nodules. The necessity of high accuracy of analyzing C.T. scan images of the lung is considered as one of the crucial challenges in detecting and classifying lung cancer. A new long-short-term-memory (LSTM) based deep fusion structure, is introduced, where, the texture features computed from lung nodules through new volumetric grey-level-co-occurrence-matrices (GLCM) computations are applied to classify the nodules into: benign, malignant and ambiguous. An improved Otsu segmentation method combined with the water strider optimization algorithm (WSA) is proposed to detect the lung nodules. Otsu-WSA thresholding can overcome the restrictions present in previous thresholding methods. Extended experiments are run to assess this fusion structure by considering 2D-GLCM computations based 2D-slices fusion, and an approximation of this 3D-GLCM with volumetric 2.5D-GLCM computations-based LSTM fusion structure. The proposed methods are trained and assessed through the LIDC-IDRI dataset, where 94.4%, 91.6%, and 95.8% Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity are obtained, respectively for 2D-GLCM fusion and 97.33%, 96%, and 98%, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, respectively, for 2.5D-GLCM fusion. The yield of the same are 98.7%, 98%, and 99%, for the 3D-GLCM fusion. The obtained results and analysis indicate that the WSA-Otsu method requires less execution time and yields a more accurate thresholding process. It is found that 3D-GLCM based LSTM outperforms its counterparts.
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我们研究了随机线性匪徒(LB)中的两个模型选择设置。在我们将其称为特征选择的第一个设置中,LB问题的预期奖励是$ M $特征映射(模型)中至少一个的线性跨度。在第二个设置中,LB问题的奖励参数由$ \ MATHBB r ^ d $中表示(可能)重叠球的$ M $模型任意选择。但是,该代理只能访问错过模型,即球的中心和半径的估计。我们将此设置称为参数选择。对于每个设置,我们开发和分析一种基于从匪徒减少到全信息问题的算法。这允许我们获得遗憾的界限(最多超过$ \ sqrt {\ log m} $ factor)而不是已知真实模型的情况。我们参数选择算法的遗憾也以模型不确定性对数进行缩放。最后,我们经验展现了使用合成和现实世界实验的算法的有效性。
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